Ministries in General
A ministry is a work of service to an individual or the community. Some ministries are public and organised, like being a Catechist or a Minister of Holy Communion; some are more private and spontaneous like visiting a neighbour or praying for the sick. Some ministries are not obviously religious like helping with maintenance or gardening, but are just as necessary.
Liturgical Ministries
Many people are involved in the preparation and celebration of the Mass and other liturgies. Up front are readers and ministers of communion, musicians, singers and altar servers. Less high profile are the welcomers, collectors and children's liturgy leaders and behind the scenes are the sacristans, flower arrangers, cleaners, bidding prayer writers to name but a few. There's something for everyone and if you wish to get involved contact Fr.David or the Parish office.
Note that ministries involving contact with minors or vulnerable adults require a DBS check and disclosure form as part of our safeguarding procedures. These ministries are appointed by the clergy, but enquiries from interested people are always welcome. Training and support is given and we are working towards periodic review of all those in volunteer ministries.
To be a catechist is challenging, rewarding and a great privilege. The handing on of the faith to the next generation through teaching and witness is a responsibility we all bear. Catechists receive training and support and periodic review with the clergy. Much catechesis is focussed around preparation for the Sacraments with both children and parents. There's also work with adults preparing to be baptised or received into the church, or to be married. An area of continued development is general adult faith development and faith sharing groups. Again, for more information please download a Volunteering Form or speak directly to one of the parish clergy.
Note that catechists involved with minors or vulnerable adults require a DBS check, references and a disclosure form as part of our safeguarding procedures. Catechists are appointed by the clergy, but enquiries from interested people are always welcome.
Children's Liturgy
What is it?
The Liturgy of the Word for Children (to give it its full title) allows young children to experience the Mass in a different, child-friendly way. It takes place during the first part of the parish Mass, when the children are taken out to the Keenan Rooms to hear a children's version of the gospel story. The Children are engaged with the Word of God and prayer in a child friendly way. They may also engage in an activity which they can share with their parents.
When is it held?
Children's Liturgy takes place each Sunday at the 9am and 11am masses. There is no Children's Liturgy at the Saturday vigil mass. On the occasions the Liturgy cannot be held it will be announced in the Parish Newsletter. Children's Liturgy does not take place on Easter Sunday, Christmas Day or during August.
Who can come?
Children's Liturgy is most suitable for children from about 4 to 9 years, who have not yet received their First Holy Communion. Younger children may come along if their parents feel they are ready to benefit from it. It is a good idea, in the case of younger children and also older children who lack confidence, if they are accompanied to Children's Liturgy by their own adult. Otherwise, most children come on their own and they all enjoy taking part in something a little bit different.
Many children who have made their First Holy Communion choose to become altar servers, and will thus participate in the adult liturgy each week. Some children who do not altar-serve continue coming to Children's Liturgy and their services as helpers to the younger children are very highly valued.
Any other questions
If you have any further questions please see a member of the Liturgy Team or Fr.David