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Father David O'Sullivan
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60 Sturges Road
RG40 2HE
Tel: 0118 978 0348

Corpus Christi Africa Fund (CCAF)



Established by the Parish in 2004, The Corpus Christi Africa Fund (CCAF) is a fundraising initiative focused on supporting two African beneficiaries: Our Lady of Nazareth Primary School (OLN) in Nairobi, Kenya and SUUBI Orphanage near Entebbe, Uganda.  

CCAF Visit

Both OLN and SUUBI support poor African children in desperate need. OLN caters for 2,500 children (from 5 to 14) in the Mukuru Kwa Njenga slum area of Nairobi, while SUUBI provides a caring home for children with no known living relatives. The charities were chosen as CCAF beneficiaries because of their immediate pressing need and, importantly, because of their direct links with two parishioners; Jeremy Best (OLN) and Pat Kerton (SUUBI).

Jeremy and Pat work very closely with each beneficiary to identify how our CCAF donations can be of maximum help and to ensure that the funds reach them directly and quickly. For the last twelve years, the Parish has given very generously to OLN and SUUBI through Lenten donations and fund-raising activities undertaken by CCAF and other Parish groups. In 2016 alone, over £20,000 was raised through donations and gift aid. Funds from our 2016 Lenten appeal are again being used in 2017 to support the continuing provision of Uji for OLN, and to assist with ongoing education cost for the SUUBI children. 


Our Lady of Nazareth

Since its inception, CCAF has provided OLN with: large tanks for collecting rainwater; kitchen equipment; badly needed new desks and toilets; assisted with funding their first computer room; provided an extension to the library; funded a music centre for students; provided a generator; and most recently assisted in the construction and development of the Special Needs Unit, which now provides 50 children who previously were restricted to their homes, with the chance of education. We have also assisted with providing funds to enable a number of OLN students to progress into secondary education, and this has also been supported by a number of parishioners and friends who have themselves sponsored individual children. On an ongoing basis CCAF have been assisting OLN with the provison of Uji porridge, a highly nutritional food supplement, to all the children on a daily basis. Our contribution to this cost for 2017 is £10,000.

OLN whole school


For SUUBI, meanwhile, assistance with educational costs is the prime focus. CCAF will be supporting SUUBI with £9,000 to assist with the 2017 education costs. In the past we have assisted with the construction of SUUBI 2 - another desperately needed house for the children - and a Sunday school. This new home has been named “CCAF” House” in thanks of the generous support of the Parish.


The Parish has provided enormous support to OLN and SUUBI since 2004 and the CCAF Committee continues to be dedicated to raising funds for chosen beneficiaries that need our help. The CCAF Committee meets about three times a year to review current projects, consider how funds should be disbursed and to plan CCAF parish activities. For further information or to donate please contact Jeremy Best. ( or see the CCAF Notice Board at Church

Click here to find out more about our 2017 Lent Appeal



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