Church Groups
Parish Pantomime
Could this be the funniest Parish Group?
Pantomime is curiously British form of theatrical entertainment which involves music, topical jokes, slapstick comedy, over acting and is usually based on a fairy tale or nursery story.
The Corpus Christi Parish Pantomime is all about building the community side of our Parish.
We’ve just run our 12th annual Parish Pantomime and every year we put on a couple of shows, forge new friendships and hopefully raise some money for a charitable cause. It has been described as one of the most fun ways to get to meet fellow parishioners.
(Nearly) anyone can take part. We’re all amateurs with the cast ranging in ages from 11 years through to over 60s and we actively encourage the youth of our parish to get involved in the whole production of the show working alongside the adults as equal participants.
We need adults & children. You just need to be connected to the Parish in some way. Maybe you have a family member at home who would be interested in joining us? The minimum age is Yr 6 of primary school – there is no maximum age.
Previous cast members have included members of the same family who take part together, as well as people on their own who are new to the Parish and want to meet others – all are welcome.
Want to help but not keen to go on stage?
If you’re not keen to get on stage there are plenty of other ways to get involved:
With so many children performing year we need adults
to look after them during the performances. Without
enough Chaperones we can’t run the show. All we ask is
for your time a couple of evenings the week of the
performance. It's a great way to join in the panto and a
great way to ensure the children can perform.
Making Props & Scenery
We need a lot of help to build the Set & make some props. Usually a Work Party builds the main set one Saturday and scenery is then painted over a longer time when volunteers are available, but individual parts can also be constructed in your own time if you prefer. No experience is necessary.
Set Building and Lighting Assistance
During the week of the show we set up at the theatre. Adults or capable older teenagers are needed. Perhaps those who are thinking of studying theatre studies may like to think of this? Plus we need a backstage crew for the week of the show.
Adult Chorus
Extra adults are needed to sing in the Chorus. It’ll help to give those opening & closing songs some “welly”.
Fancy getting involved in the next Panto?
We usually hold auditions in September and the shows are late January / early February. Keep your eyes open for notices in the Parish Newsletter or at the back of the church. Or contact us by email at It’s open to anyone in Year 6 or above.
You don’t have to be artistic, creative or even able to sing. Help is needed in all areas. Enthusiasm & willingness to join in is the main criteria. It’s a good way for the whole family to be involved in something. Oh yes it is!
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